
Can you imagine the leap your business career and income would take if you had a world-class trainer right in your living room teaching you the bottom-line secrets of sales success? Now you can with Doug Trenary’s newest powerhouse DVD set, The SalesMind Unplugged. Discover the most intimate strategies of sales legends in how to increase your own motivation, attract buyers who want to transact now, and turn every minute into a financial opportunity.

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Product Description

Can you imagine the leap your business career and income would take if you had a world-class trainer right in your living room teaching you the bottom-line secrets of sales success? Now you can with Doug Trenary’s newest powerhouse DVD set, The SalesMind Unplugged. Discover the most intimate strategies of sales legends in how to increase your own motivation, attract buyers who want to transact now, and turn every minute into a financial opportunity.

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